The Tulsa Auto Classified Show is a weekly TV, web and mobile devise show that transforms the way cars are advertised. This show gives each dealership a nine minute segment where 18-27 vehicles will be highlighted and dealership recognition and branding will be fresh in the minds of potential customers. Our job is to get the customers to your dealership, your job is to make the sale. Tulsa Auto Classified Show is a low cost solution with a high return for your investment. Please set up an appointment today.
- Dealers Page with Dealers video segment and information
- Show and segments available on mobile devices
- Add weekly segment to your website with embed code
- Show airs on local cable network and soon local TV channel
- Low cost solution for any size dealership
- Show advertises in local publications to draw viewers
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Tulsa Auto Classified Show will air on Cox Channel 3 and 703 every Saturday morning
©2013 Buckner Media LLC and Auto Classified Show